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20 March 2007


E Lockhart (author of some fabulous books that I have to make people send me because they aren't yet available here), mentions the 123 book meme, where writers post the first paragraph (or so) from page 123 of their works-in-progress.

Here is mine:


She was just drifting off to sleep, when the bunk next to her creaked. It was Long Meg.
Her hair had all been cut off, and her head shaved. Two great red welts streaked diagonally across each of her cheeks, oozing blood. One of Meg’s eyes was blackened and swollen shut, and her lip was split.
‘Meg!’ said Hannah. ‘What did he do to you?’
Long Meg said nothing, just lay down on her bed and turned away from Hannah.


Jellyfish said...

Oh no! Not Long Meg! I already like totally love her. This is terrible!

Finish the damn book already so I can find out what happens, plz.

Christopher Miles said...

Here's mine. Not really from a work-in-progress, more a "work probably in the process of being rejected":

"Mrs Crow and Mr Pizbol had been arguing all morning."

Penni Russon said...

Oooh Long Meg. GREAT character name. can't you just call your book that?

lili said...

Oh, THAT book has a name. It's the anthology and the Other One that I'm struggling with.