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06 May 2006

highlights from the children's book council of australia national conference

-watching Selby the Talking Dog get stopped at the registration table because he wasn't registered for the conference

-reading the words 'a French danish pastry'. (that one might be just me)

-wagging the saturday morning session to go to Buddha's birthday party at the Chinese Garden in Darling Harbour

-hearing an author who will remain nameless introduce herself to someone thusly: 'Hi, I'm XXX, I'm a famous author.' Only to have the other person reply. 'Hi. I'm your publisher.'

-creating dirty rumours about other delegates, because there wasn't enough gossip

-sneaking into the cocktail party and smuggling out drinks for the other expo people, who were all shivering outside a la peasants outside the Winter Palace in the Russian Revolution

i swear, you could make the best satirical comedy (The Office-style) about this industry...

1 comment:

mindlessmunkey said...

Oh I do hope the self-proclaimed "famous author" was Sonya Hartnett.

Of course, I realise you can neither confirm nor deny that on this forum.

Come home soon!